When the news of Rabbi Kraines’s retirement and later passing was spread, people went onto social media to express their appreciation.
Here is a snippet of what we received.
We have put only intials to preserve the privacy of those who posted yet if are feel comfortable putting your real name, please let us know!
To be added or removed from this page – please email us at message@rabbikraines.com.
- From D.G.
We were so privileged to have been part of the OSS table. If you just take a look at all the Kraines children you will see and feel the Emes of the Torah. That’s what mattered. The overflow of chesed that reverberated around that home was out of this world. Very blessed to be apart of that. It’s a part of our lives that were touched so beautifully.
- From Ezra Sher
Wishing you and the whole family אריכות ימים. Your father was a special soul. Shared many good musical times together with him. Please send my Heartfelt condolences to your Mother and family.
- From Martin S
My thoughts and commiserations are with you all. Rabbi Kraines was an extraordinary individual. He enriched his community and also the lives of my family in a way that is impossible to measure. Knowing him was a blessing. You may take comfort that one of the last times I saw him I felt compelled to remark that he could be proud of his children. He responded, “Yes, each and every one of them.”
- From L.S.
So very sad to hear this news. What an incredible amazing, inspiring, warmhearted person he was. He had such a tangible love for his family, community, Israel, Hashem and for Yiddishkeit. He was a true Tzaddik , a wonderful orator, singer, one of the world’s Greatest Rabbis, who together with his beloved wife Rebbetzin Nechama, created such a legacy, touched so many hearts and taught 1000s of people to truly appreciate being Jewish and to learn how to be proud of this incredible heritage! He will continue to inspire me and my family BzH.
May Hashem bless you all with wonderful and long contented, healthy lives, continuing to spread the joy of being a part of the Jewish community BzH.
Hold onto those precious moments of unconditional love that defined your husband, father, Saba. Rabbi Kraines we will always remember you.