Shloshim Events
With great sadness we regret to inform all our family and friends of the Petira of
Ze’ev Shlomo ben Zecharia Leib, זצ״ל
who was tragically taken from us Wednesday, evening of December 25. Rabbi Kraines and his family have made an indelible mark on the South African Jewish Community who share the loss with his family. Rabbi Kraines was a much beloved leader in the community as well as a deeply loved father, grandfather, teacher, Rav and friend by all those who were touched by his presence.
The family invites everyone to share memories, stories and thoughts as well as messages of condolences on this website as a means for perpetuating his memory that it should be a merit for the deceased and an opportunity to become inspired to strengthen one’s own Jewish observance in his memory. Thank you.
You can write your messages or stories here: